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All students graduating in any given year will automatically move to ANNUAL (one payment) First Year Post Qualify membership in March of the following year (regardless of when they joined or when they paid the last student fee). To pay your fee in monthly instalments, the member must contact the Office Administrator before 1st March.
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By making an application you agree to uphold the IASW Code of Ethics and Practice if accepted.


HR, Risk & Governance

Committee Members: 

The Board of the Irish Association of Social Workers CLG has established the above Committee to advise and support it regarding its work and responsibilities as a Company in the areas of HR, Risk and Governance. The Committee has been delegated the authority to review all policies and practices as they relate to HR, Risk and Governance, and to recommend any changes to the Board to ensure that the organisation is in line with legislative and regulatory requirements and best practice.

The Committee is appointed by the Board.  It will have a minimum of three and a maximum of five members to include at least one director. Membership may include up to two independent members – individuals who are not or who have never been entitled to be members of the IASW and who shall not be employees - with skills/expertise relevant to the work of the Committee. The term of office for members of the Committee will be three years, renewable for one further term either consecutively or cumulatively.

The Terms of Reference for the Committee can be found here: TOR - HRG Committee_UD May2023.