
Motion by IASW and the General Council for Social Work, Spain: For a European Pact on Migration & Asylum




WE DEMAND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EUROPEAN PACT ON MIGRATION AND ASYLUM in ways that are capable of providing an agile, coordinated response, that guarantees the human rights of all people who arrive in our territories, avoiding return processes at the border that violate the fundamental rights of people. To this end, it is essential to ensure a fair sharing of responsibilities between all Member States.

This pact must contain the extraordinary regularisation of foreigners in each country. It is essential that control and asylum procedures respect the principle of non-refoulement and provide access to all legal guarantees from the outset, avoiding any unnecessary or prolonged detention and ensuring an individualised assessment of each application.

In addition, IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EUROPEAN PACT ON MIGRATION AND ASYLUM should include independent human rights monitoring mechanisms, from arrival to possible return, in line with the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and issues raised already by the Fundamental Rights Agency. 

We show the need to give priority to certain groups or aspects of them because they may be more vulnerable , including the following: 

  • We must activate mechanisms that attend to and guarantee the rights of unaccompanied minors, the number of minors has increased and the overcrowding and precariousness of care is a systematic violation of their rights and is detrimental to the implementation of integration plans that would improve their full participation in the host society.
  • A long-term vision must be taken in terms of integration and reception measures for unaccompanied minors. Investing in education, training and host programmes for children who have been taken in as minors and want to continue their stay in the host country will improve the starting point of the integration process into the host society.


  • EXTRAORDINARY REGULARIZATION: Extraordinary regularization is urgent because it is a matter of social justice and human rights. Irregular administrative situations condemn thousands of people to exploitation, invisibility and reduced access to essential services and basic rights.  
  • REINFORCEMENT OF THE IMMIGRATION OFFICES: It Is essential to strenghten resourcing and modernize the Immigration Offices to speed up the regularization and asylum procedures, simplifying the processes of integration and family reunification.
  • RECRUITING AND EMPLOYING SOCIAL WORKERS, offering tools of social work to: reverse situations of vulnerability and contribute to the full development and integration of children and young people; alleviate and intervene in situations of social tension derived from the saturation of a territory; to intervene in situations of emotional containment experienced during the migratory process and in the host or destination country, as well as in the processes of migratory mourning; to expedite and provide guidance on the procedures related to their administrative situation, and access to basic rights; planning and
    development of integration mechanisms; to contribute to the creation of healthy dynamics and habits, patterns of coexistence, as well as the creation of healthy alternative spaces.


  • EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION: We support an equitable distribution of minors in all territories, it is essential to guarantee comprehensive care that respects their rights and promotes their well-being.
  • INTEGRATION PROGRAMMES: It is vital to prioritise the creation of education, training and reception programmes that favour the social integration of these minors, avoiding situations of frustration and helplessness. Investment in their future is an investment in social cohesion.


  • ATTENTION TO MIGRANT WOMEN: We recognize the feminization of migration and the triple vulnerability of undocumented women, especially unaccompanied girls and young women.
  • PROTECTION OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN VULNERABLE SITUATIONS: The protection of young people who, when they reach the age of majority, find themselves helpless and without public resources to accompany them in their transition to adult life.
  • MENTAL HEALTH CARE: Act to improve the mental health of migrants and minimise the effects of migratory grief due to the struggle for survival, the failure of the migration project, the obstacles of administrative bureaucracy and unwanted loneliness in the country of destination and decrease chronic stress derived from extreme situations.