
Tony Macklin



IASW Independent Social Workers 

Name:  Tony Macklin 


Telephone:  UK: (044) 07973422898

Type of Work/Specialism: Child Protection Assessments/Court Reports for both Public and Private Proceedings/ Kinship Assessments/ Parenting Capacity Assessments/Independent Guardian ad Litem Reports 

CORU Registration Number: SW003794 

Region/Location:  Based in Belfast- Available for work in NI/UK/Republic of Ireland 

Languages spoken: English 

Description of relevant experience/profile:  

I have 34 years experience as a qualified Social Worker. I provide Independent Parenting Capacity Assessments and Kinship Assessments in Ireland and the UK. I have provided Guardian ad Litem Assessments to the Family Proceedings Court, Family Care Centre and High Court in Belfast since 1996 and District Court and High Court in Dublin since 2006. I also provide reports for legal proceedings in respect of children/adults abused in care and unaccompanied minors. I have acted as a Practice Teacher for several students and tutored on the Courtroom Skills Module for the Social Work Course at Queens University Belfast.  

Qualifications: Bsc (Hons) Sociology/ Post Graduate Diploma Social Work/ Northern Ireland Practice Teachers Award 

Professional registrations:  NISCC-Northern Ireland Social Care Council 1081143 

Extra skills: Specialise in Courtroom Skills-Tutored on Queens University Courtroom skills Module