Aileen Dunne

IASW Independent Social Workers
Name: Aileen Dunne
Telephone: 087 695 9523
Type of Work/Specialism: Disability, Child Protection and Medical
CORU Registration Number: SW004841
Region/Location: Kildare
Languages spoken: English
Description of relevant experience/profile:
- I have worked in Child protection as a Social Worker I was a Team Leader and Principal Social Worker over a 15-year period.
- I have been a team leader in disabilities services as well as trained as an RNMH.
- I practise as a GAL and have a great deal of experience in preparing court reports, completing assessments, and giving evidence and representing the voice of children in the court process.
- I have represented adults in the court process with disabilities and I have acted as advocate to parents in contentious family law matters
Qualifications: CQSW Dip SW and RNMH
Professional registrations: CORU and IASW