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Mon 30 Sep

IASW International Affairs Committee presents 'Advocates and Allies'

9.30 - 4.30

St Andrews Resource Centre, 114-116 Pearse Street, Dublin 2

€30 IASW members/€70 non-members

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The IASW Presents: Advocates and Allies

Conference Theme

In a time of increasing challenges for social work, the Irish Association of Social Workers International Committee is proud to host a unique and innovative conference bringing together radical and relationship based social work practice. The Advocates and Allies conference seeks to explore how social workers in frontline practice can practically connect more radical or ‘collective’ approaches to everyday micro or ‘individual’ approaches. Key to this is exploring how social workers can build alliances with service users by drawing on our core skills and knowledge base of advocacy, human rights and social justice work. 


Vasilios Iaokimidis

Professor of Social Work - University of Essex 

Bio: I am the Founding Professor of Social Work and Director of the Centre for Social Work. In the past, I have worked at Durham University, the University of Nicosia- Cyprus, Zuyd University- Netherlands and Liverpool University. I qualified as a social worker in Greece and completed my PhD at the University of Liverpool. ​ Moreover, through my role as the co-commissioner for Education in the International Federation of Social Workers, I am collaborating with social work educators and practitioners internationally towards the re-definition of and re-engagement with the meaning of "internationalism" among and beyond the social work community. ​ I am a founding member and member of steering committee of the Social Work Action Network (SWAN), a radical social work organization which brings together social work practitioners, service users, academics and students united in their commitment to promote social justice and defend welfare rights.


Twitter handle: @vasilios_

Guy Shennan

Solution-Focused Collective, Chair, British Association of Social Workers 2014-18, Organiser of BASW’s Boot Out Austerity campaign

Bio: Guy is a social worker and a solution-focused practitioner, trainer and consultant. As the Chair of the British Association of Social Workers from 2014 to 2018, Guy campaigned for social change, and as his term of office came to an end, he co-founded the Solution-Focused Collective to develop similar activities. In 2019 the Collective launched the Solution-Focused Manifesto for Social Change. Guy co-wrote an article with Marc Gardiner of the Zebra Collective, ‘Collectivising Solution-Focused Practice’, which was published in the journal, Critical and Radical Social Work, in 2018.


Twitter handle: @GuyShennan

Talk Title: A Radical Focus on Hope

Marc Gardiner

Zebra Collective, Solution-Focused Collective

Bio: Marc has worked in social care & community work in Plymouth, UK, for 30 years, mostly outside formal psychotherapy, e.g. managing mental health services (introducing solution-focused approaches in a national charity as a key element in its strategy to build a recovery culture), youth & community work, social & environmental activism, and – since 2003 – co-running Zebra Collective. Zebra’s core value is sustainable social justice, and we find that operating as a solution-focused organisation internally, as well as grounding all our work in the approach, produces real and lasting changes.


Twitter handle: @zebracollective

Talk Title: Hilary Cottam's Radical Help: possibilities & clues for social work? 

Round table facilitated discussions will provide attendees with opportunities to discuss and reflect on what they have heard, and shape how they will take the ideas into their own areas of practice.


Registration: 9.15-9.45

Welcome and Opening Address: 9.45-9.55


Vasilios Iaokimidis, TBC: 9.55-10.20

Roundtable discussions: 10.20-10.50

Break: 10.50-11.05


Welcome back to session: 11.05-11.10

Marc Gardiner, Hilary Cottam's Radical Help: possibilities & clues for social work?: 11.10-11.35

Michael Gilbert, Service User Perspective: 11.40-12.00

Roundtable discussions: 12.00-12.30

Lunch: 12.30-1.30

Session 3:

Welcome back to session: 1.30-1.35

Guy Shennan, A Radical Focus on Hope: 1.35-2.00

Round table discussions: 2.00-2.30

Break: 2.30-2.40

Welcome back to session: 2.40-2.45

Feedback from all facilitated discussions: 2.45-3.00

Plenary with Guy Shennan, Marc Gardiner, Vasilios Iaokimidis and Michael Gilbert: 3.00-3.30

Actions and next steps: 3.30-3.45

Conference close and summing up: 3.45-4.00

Advocates and Allies Conference Poster
