22 Oct, 2021
University College Cork (online)
The National Child Protection and Welfare Social Work conference website. University College Cork (online), Friday 22nd October 2021. This conference will be of interest to social workers, policy makers, researchers, legal professionals, community groups, social care workers, students and anyone with an interest in the field of child protection and welfare.
The conference is open to all disciplines and services
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates:
@SWCONFUCC / https://www.facebook.com/swconfucc/
About Us:
The National Child Protection and Welfare Social Work Conference committee was established in 2005. This inter-agency, not-for-profit initiative is comprised of staff from the School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork, social work staff from the child protection and welfare social work teams of Tusla, the Child and Family Agency and the Irish Association of Social Workers (Southern Branch SIG).
This committee was established to address a need articulated by practice to create a space for practitioners in the area of child protection and welfare to hear about and debate new developments in the areas of research, policy and practice and to network with colleagues. To meet these needs we run a biennial conference, normally in October, at University College Cork.
Conference Organising Committee:
School of Applied Social Studies, UCC:
The School of Applied Social Studies’ mission is "to provide an educational environment which promotes a culture of critical intellectual and practice enquiry in the social sciences based upon participation, inclusion and diversity". This mission statement is underpinned by the objective of making equality an integral part of the intellectual, cultural, social and economic life of the University. The School believes that quality is best achieved through the pursuit of equality, based upon the principles of student participation, lifelong learning, community involvement and open access. For further information on the School, please click here. Follow us on Twitter @UCCAppSoc and @UCCsocialwork
Irish Association of Social Workers Southern Branch SiG
The Southern Branch of the Irish Association of Social Workers was re-established in January 2006 in response to a growing demand for social workers to have a regional professional body to represent them. Since its establishment, the committee has grown in strength and have been active in professional development and training. There are presently ten committee members and meetings are held on a monthly basis. The Southern Region Special Interest Group are now convening regular free training and development seminars on a bi-monthly basis in Cork city for IASW members. For further information on Southern Region IASW, please click here.
Child Protection and Welfare Social Work Services, Child and Family Agency (TUSLA)
The Child and Family Agency is now the dedicated State agency responsible for improving wellbeing and outcomes for children. It represents the most comprehensive reform of child protection, early intervention and family support services ever undertaken in Ireland. It is an ambitious move which brings together some 4,000 staff and an operational budget of approximately €700m. The Agency operates under the Child and Family Agency Act 2013, a progressive piece of legislation with children at its heart, and families viewed as the foundation of a strong healthy community where children can flourish. Partnership and co-operation in the delivery of seamless services to children and families are also central to the Act.