Celebrate World Social Work Day with the IASW!
Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability
Under this general theme we have invited some colleagues to reflect with us on the following;
- Sustaining our environment.............Thomas (Hollies Centre, Enniskeane and Kinsale College)
- Social media...is it sustainable...how to protect our children. Barry O Sullivan (School of Computer Science, UCC)
- Sustaining Communities....is it possible/.....how government policies and priorities can make a difference. Ger Phillips (Springboard, Child and Family Agency, Tusla, Cork)
- In a multi-cultural Ireland....sustaining integration. Facilitated by Susan Mackey (NASC)
Also a bit of entertainment with Louise mc Cormick and 'Spot prizes galore'!
Please use #WSWD18 for all your photos and tweets.
Celebrations will be followed by a brief meeting for those interested in participating in the Southern Branch SIG