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Thu 25 Mar

AGM Adult Safeguarding and Protection (ASaP) Associate Group



Social Workers are invited to the AGM of the Adult Safeguarding and Protection (ASaP) Associate Group

Date: Thursday 25th March 2021 - Time: 5pm


  • Welcome
  • Minutes from last ASaP Meeting
  • Chairs Report
  • Motions for IASW AGM
  • Election of Officers
  • The year ahead

There are interesting times ahead in relation to area of adult safeguarding and protection in Ireland not least as a result of COVID-19. We have seen a position paper be submitted to the Oireachtas, the Law Reform Commission published their issues paper on safeguarding legislation and also the work done in relation to the nursing home liaison role and advocating for residents in Nursing Homes or residential care settings around visits during these challenging times.

The Adult Safeguarding and Protection (ASaP) Associate Group was founded in July 2020 with the purpose of providing a forum to Social Workers for the development, implementation and advocacy for the best professional standards in safeguarding in Ireland. It provides opportunities for learning, sharing experiences, exchanging information and lobbying on issues relating to the safeguarding of adults at risk in Ireland.

The primary vision of the group is for all adults to be safeguarded and for them to have equal access to protection across Ireland within the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics.

The mission of ASaP is for professional social workers to act in solidarity to advocate for safeguarding and protection of all adults, aged over 18 yearswho are vulnerable and at risk of abuse, exploitation and neglect within Ireland. For Social Workers to operate within best professional practice and high standards with adults at risk within Ireland, and to have a sufficient legislative safeguarding and protection framework within Ireland.

Aims and objectives of the ASaP Associate Group:

  • Establish and maintain a cross-sector Adult Safeguarding and Protection social work group
  • Gather, share and discuss knowledge, research and developments in safeguarding
  • To raise awareness about Adult Safeguarding and associated topics
  • Represent professional social work on various safeguarding committees nationally and locally
  • Encourage the development of an informed and collective social work opinion, and advocacy to advance / promote Adult Safeguarding across Ireland
  • Critically analyse Adult Safeguarding from a professional, legal, socio-economic, cultural, equality, diverse and inclusive and rights-based perspective within the Irish context and with reference to international research and standard of best practice
  • Ensure that social workers are active participants in the integration and implementation of Adult Safeguarding knowledge into service provision across ALL sectors. 

The ASaP Associate Group welcomes members from all IASW SIGs and Associate Groups and also any Social Work colleagues with an interest in this area to attend. You do not need to be an IASW to join in.

Log in details to access the AGM will be sent to those registered before the event takes place.