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Adult Mental Health (SWAMH)

Who we are? 

Social Workers in Adult Mental Health (SWAMH). SWAMH is a Special Interest Group (SIG) within the Irish Association of Social Workers (IASW).  

Vision Statement 

Our vision is to promote the highest possible standards for mental health social work practice in Ireland, contribute to national mental health policy and to advocate for improved mental health service provision.   

Mission Statement 

SWAMH aims to support colleagues, advocate for our profession and service users, promote best practice in the interest of service users through CPD events, sharing information and contributing to national mental health policy and developments. 


  • To promote continuous professional development and quality practice in the specialist area of adult mental health social work 
  • To provide a national level forum for members to share information, to be informed and to be proactive in the pursuit of best practice 
  • To be a voice for the Mental Health client group  
  • To provide Social Workers in Adult Mental Health with an effective and representative voice within the Irish Association of Social Workers (IASW) on all matters concerning them and to assist the IASW in formulating policy on mental health services 
  • To contribute to the IASW AGM by way of motions and debate 
  • To nominate delegates to a wide range of statutory and voluntary organisations 

Committee Members

  • Chair - Kerry Cuskelly

How often meetings take place 

In accordance with our Special Interest Group Terms of Reference, SIG’s shall:

  • Hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year and elect a new committee.
  • The Committee shall meet not less than four times per year and can include the AGM, but more frequently if considered necessary by the committee. The quorum for all meetings of the Committee shall be four (4) members.

Current Activities/Plans/Projects 

SWAMH have concluded their housing survey and have formulated an “Adult Mental Health Social Work and Housing – A Position Paper”. This is available in the resources section.

How to join 

You can sign up at any of our events, by contacting the IASW office or by contacting the SWAMH Chair and secretary.